How do we actually get our children to do what needs to be done? It is a tough one and it is something we talk about a lot in my one on one coaching sessions. The truth is, it is a tricky one and we often need to explore what motivates your child specifically.
Here are some tips to help motivate your child:
We have all done it. Our kids slowly wear us down. Our tolerance level gets exceeded and we lose it. We say things we don't mean. We spew venom out of our mouths. You may even hate your child in this moment. You may resent them. You may want to walk out the door and never come back.
I get you. I have been there. Raising kids that have behavioural challenges is hard work. I have freakin lost it. Out of sheer frustration I have thrown things. I have said really mean things. I have googled boarding schools. I have wanted to...
So often I see posts on facebook from parents in distress because no one showed up to their child's party. You can only imagine the heartbreak that they feel in this moment and the distress that they would feel for their child.
For the child, who may already struggle socially this can be a terrible self esteem blow and it breaks my heart.
My ADHD husband's memories of primary school is never being invited to any parties because he was considered too 'wild' or 'out of control'. He has carried that his whole life.
Depending on how your child goes socially, you may...
It blows my mind when the media lead with negative traits of ADHD and special needs in general. It is everywhere. You see, time and time again throughout history the big change makers, the big hitters, the big risk takers, the greats, the outside the box thinkers, have been people with ADHD. So why do we only seem to hear of the negatives? It is something that makes me cranky.
Well it could be because these are kids are challenging to parent, the negatives are in your face. Everyday on facebook groups there are parents at their wits end. They...
We all know we need to look after ourselves... but life happens and we are looking after children that have special needs and behavioural challenges - somehow every week something seems to come up and our needs fall to the end of a very long to do list.
But the truth of the matter is, we are a seriously high burn out risk.
Over the years I have come to realise that I was waiting for someone to swoop in and take care of me. I didn't put myself first, everyone else's needs came first. Sadly, if we don't look after ourselves, we wont have anything left in the tank to assist...
I have stalled and procrastinated writing this blog because, well it is personal and it is a bit hard to talk about.
But I always want to be real with you guys. So here goes!
I have been married to my husband for nearly 13 years. It is a rollercoaster. You see he is the most severely ADHD person I have ever met (and I have met a lot!). He is a person of extremes. He is also incredibly amazing. I find him harder to handle than my ADHD children, mainly because I can't parent him (nor do I want to). He has to be my partner.
So I have put...
So yesterday we changed Pediatricians. We wanted to try someone new and get a fresh approach for my son's treatment. I was looking at the parents in the waiting room and I was reminded how daunting it can be when you go to that first appointment. So here is my comprehensive list of questions that you should ask your Pediatrician.
One of the biggest questions that I want you to ask yourself when you see a new professional is ‘Are they on my team?’
By that, I mean are they suitable for you and your child. It is almost like a job interview to...
So.... what is in your freezer?
Most people can rattle off a few things... but the truth is not many of us know exactly what is in there... what is that mystery meat hiding behind the frozen bananas? We keep buying more, spending more money and not using what we already have.
I wanted to chat about this today, because we are focusing on saving money right now and I know that this can be challenging for people with ADHD - so this is a tool that can help.
In the ADHD and Families Online Program we talk about predictable problems and ensuring you have back up meals ready...
No one cares when you are sick... well that's how it can feel sometimes right?
As a parent, there are no sick days, no time off and sometimes it can feel like you have no support. Today I am writing about this subject because I know it is something that is completely relevant - especially at this time of year when colds and the flu is everywhere (plus I have a wicked head cold). I want to help you!
When you have a child with special needs, if you are sick or rundown this can be a particularly taxing time. So let's get prepared. Little steps now can be a...
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