
Screen time and children (Includes FREE downloadable screen time schedule!)

Jan 17, 2019

Screen time can be a blessing and a curse. It is such a hot topic right now!

I have discussed this at length with one of Australia's leading developmental paediatrician and she believes that it is one of the biggest issues facing our children today!  Children with ADHD love screen time because it is often instant gratification and they easily hyperfocus on things that are interesting to them - and they are usually very interested in screens!

I am actually pro screen time, because it often encourages our kids to be social (with their friends online) and it gives us a moment to get other...

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How to have the best ADHD Christmas with your children (in 6 easy steps)

Nov 24, 2018

So Christmas is fast approaching and whether you are a lover or a hater of this consumer explosion holiday, I suspect if you have an ADHD child, part of you is a little freaked out about having them home all-the-time for the holidays. 

So let’s get the dark side of the holidays out of the way... 

It can be a sensory explosion, with late nights, changes in the routine, too much sugar and the pushy Aunty who insists that red cordial is ok.... all whilst you grit your teeth and make jokes about them volunteering for babysitting whilst the red cordial wears off...


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Fortnite - please don’t let my child become a zombie

Nov 24, 2018

I was talking with my son’s developmental paediatrician recently about gaming and how for ADHD children it is of particular concern.  She mentioned that increasingly children are getting up and taking to their parents or their own iPad's and computers and playing well after bedtime and sometimes all night.  They are relentless, hassling their parents non-stop for access to the games, not sleeping, not thinking about anything else.  There is a part of these video games that is extremely appealing to ADHD kids, it is often instant gratification, sets them into hyper-focus...

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Why car trips can suck, when you have a kid with ADHD

Nov 24, 2018

So I am not afraid to admit that I seriously stuffed my shoulder swinging my arm behind myself whilst trying to stop my kids from killing each other whilst I was driving. The near misses for car accidents have been many.  My threshold is reached regularly whilst in the car with my 3 boys.  I know you hear me.  Car trips are no fun. I have 4 wild animals who do not do well in confined spaces (ADHD husband is included here). 

So in the interest of being safe and alive, I have created some suggestions to improve car trips when you have some ADHD in your life. 

1. Get...

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