
Looking after yourself series #1 (Sleep)

Jul 13, 2021

Hey - are you exhausted?

I talk a lot about how important it is to take care of ourselves because what we deal with each day can be challenging. 

We need to have something left in our tank to weather the storm of life. I am so lucky to show you this series of three short 5 minute videos from our wonderful naturopath friend, Jules Galloway, as she touches on sleep, stress and chronic fatigue.

Today's blog is all about SLEEP 

Jules works with women with fatigue and exhaustion.  She really brings so many valuable tips in these 5 minute videos.

It is well worth a watch, so...

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To the mum who lost her sh*t today...

Aug 19, 2019

We have all done it.  Our kids slowly wear us down. Our tolerance level gets exceeded and we lose it. We say things we don't mean.  We spew venom out of our mouths.  You may even hate your child in this moment.  You may resent them.  You may want to walk out the door and never come back.

I get you.  I have been there.  Raising kids that have behavioural challenges is hard work. I have freakin lost it.  Out of sheer frustration I have thrown things.  I have said really mean things.  I have googled boarding schools.  I have wanted to...

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How to plan a party for a special needs kid (when you are worried that no one will show up)

Aug 13, 2019

So often I see posts on facebook from parents in distress because no one showed up to their child's party.  You can only imagine the heartbreak that they feel in this moment and the distress that they would feel for their child. 

For the child, who may already struggle socially this can be a terrible self esteem blow and it breaks my heart. 

My ADHD husband's memories of primary school is never being invited to any parties because he was considered too 'wild' or 'out of control'.  He has carried that his whole life.

Depending on how your child goes socially, you may...

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Have you given up or are you a warrior?

Aug 05, 2019

It blows my mind when the media lead with negative traits of ADHD and special needs in general.  It is everywhere. You see, time and time again throughout history the big change makers, the big hitters, the big risk takers, the greats, the outside the box thinkers, have been people with ADHD.  So why do we only seem to hear of the negatives?  It is something that makes me cranky.  

Well it could be because these are kids are challenging to parent, the negatives are in your face.  Everyday on facebook groups there are parents at their wits end.  They...

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